What They Say

Student Experience


Al W.

I have learned so many great and valuable lessons from you in the very short time I have known you. That’s the truth. I believe I am one of your oldest students, that mean’s I have probably had more life experiences than most of your other students. I have met so many people in my life that claim to be one thing and turn out to be something else. So many times that leads to such disappointment, I see that especially in the martial arts world. But not you. You give so much! My life is better because of our association. My son Lee is the kind of son that every parent would love have and you are the kind of adult that so many try to be like. You are  a great example and roll model for all of us. So Andy, a heart felt thank you!


Brian I.

I never expected so much activity! This is really makes me feel confident about my decision to enroll in your school.

You are worth every penny.

Your one of the hardest working guys I know


Donald C.

I can clearly see that the training in our school will separate me from the competition. I know this because had we handled my families maternity health insurance plan the way you teach to handle maternity we would have paid $400 monthly instead of more than $800. The broker we had at the time did not help us the way I would now help a client of mine. Also in calling around to the competition, it also is clear that they do not use your techniques, or close, which clearly gives me a great advantage in my market. There is so much opportunity for us! Thanks.


Ginger H.

I had my doubts at first like anybody, but I checked you out completely… and Andy, you are the real deal.
I have been very impressed with your openness and how you have made the school curriculum easy to understand. You don’t talk down to us, you are always available and you get the job done.
You are an “open book” to us and me. You welcomed me into your home like family.
I am a top producer, and have been in several careers. I needed a new vehicle, no one could have looked you and your school over more intensely than I did. I have found my last career and together we are going for the gold!
Merry Christmas, Andy, to you and your family! I love you and appreciate you! You are our “economic stimulus plan”!

We love you, our fearless leader! 



Mary C

By attending class, I find them uplifting, and I feel confident that I am able to do this business!
I also feel you are an excellent teacher. I have attended under-graduate, graduate school and I find you so much more engaging than my professors. I honestly feel that way. When I started I did not know what to expect or “what I was getting into.” My expectations have been exceeded.  I am amazed at how involved you are with all of the students daily.
I’ve been busy and it’s great. 


Geoffrey H.

Happy Easter to you and your family, too! Thanks for creating the “Pajama Man” School – there are so many other “schemes” out there, so it’s no wonder people are skeptical. But, no doubt, Andy, you’re the real thing. I know with your help & guidance that I’m going to be sucessful.
There aren’t very many (if any at all) other programs like yours that delivers results and is such a value for your investment. Here’s to the rest of 2008 being a year of achievements and success for all PJ students (and you, too!)


Rochelle and Dustin

Just wanted to send you a thank you note for the time you took with us last week and how much we enjoyed your help and tenacious tutelage! We look forward to learning more and earning $$!! Thanks to you!
Have a great day, Andy, and we are so glad that we joined your school!  It’s been two months now and we say it probably every other day how much we are happy with your training.  🙂  


Scott G

I strive to have the focus and drive that you have. What a great school and a great teacher/mentor to have with this awesome business!!!!  Thank you



I’ve been working on the major med cheat sheets and I am pumped at how much I have learned.  It has been fascinating how best plans change based on age, gender and smoking.

I have been able to identify the two major health insurance player in ….. and what they can do in each situation.  I am light years smarter than I was two days ago and actually believe I will soon be able to show the plan, reason and benefit to any and all callers.  I may be a big nerd when it comes to numbers but this just clicks.

I am excited about my future and my association with you and the school.

ps – you may have created a monster!


Sue M

This truly is a one of a kind program!!  You Truly have artistic marketing skills “awesome”
can hardly wait till it starts :thanks for your encouragement in class today.  As a teacher I understand and respect your deep involvement with your students. It is the major reason I was attracted to your website. 

So again, thanks, Andy.  Thanks for caring, thanks for sharing and thanks for kicking our “posteriors.” 


Timothy D.

For The last 3 weeks I’ve been a student of the greatest sales and marketing training I have ever experienced
I have been in executive level Sales & Marketing Positions  for the last 20 years
 The way you microscopically desect and feed me as your student your Extremely detailed approach and vast Knowlege of the industry
Your energy and passion Makes Learning  fun challenging and exciting  so I find myself retaining more and its because of the amount of energy and Passion you put into every lesson and one on one sessions.
Thank you for helping me change my lifestyle and career

I must say I was a bit sceptical you know the pajama Man 🙂 lol
  I giggled but this is one of those times that you give more than promised..
 you are a man of great integrity and a master of your craft
Thank you again for allowing me to be part of your group
I will work as hard as you do If i can 😉


Spencer D

I am amazed and impressed by your school, it’s training and you! I swear you work 20 hours a day (atleast it seems like that). 


Stacey S.

Just a quick note about my first week with your school. To say that I am impressed with the school and your training would be a gross understatement. I feel like I hired Tony Robbins as my life/business coach. The way that you conduct your business and yourself is absolutely first class. You are a terrific mentor of a very high caliber and I feel very fortunate to have found you and your school at this point in my life. You lead by example and would not ask your students to do anything you have not done or continue to do on a daily basis. The positive energy is awesome and inspring and I cannot thank you enough for taking me on as a student.


Michael R.

My name is Michael R. and I am 23 years old out of PA. First let me say that without you I would have made $5000 worth of mistakes in a few weeks. The value of you and your schools education is worth so much more!!

Andy’s system has worked so well for me. I am an application writing machine! I am up to 4 apps per day. I was up and running in a month. Andy has changed my life and at 23 my career path is set. I am going to be rich man someday. Now everyday instead of worrying how I am going to get by each month, I am watching my income grow and grow. Thanks for everything !


Dave L.

You and your training have been a Godsend. I can’t thank you enough for your help. In 30 days you took me from
unemployed and no knowledge of how to start in this new industry to up and running and writing 9 applications. I actually wrote an additional 4 applications but 1 is on hold, 1 got declined, and 2 are in the middle of being finished.
You have done everything you promised you would do and more. I would recommend you and your school to anyone looking for help with our industry.
I look forward to working with you now and in the future.


Jackie P

 I enjoyed class today.  I think it is so important that you do stress the need to be “grounded” to us all.  If you do not try to find and get some balance in your life, then no matter how much success you get..it will not produce the happiness in your life that you seek.  

One of the things that I liked about you since day one, was your very earnest need to “do unto others”. I felt you were sincere from day one! (that’s saying a lot for a “cynical New Yorker”!).  I feel lucky to have joined your school and chosen this path. If I had any regrets, it is that I did not join 2yrs earlier when I would have had my “financial umbrella” in place. I have every intention to be successful at this, in large part because of you and the people you associate with. (Ex. Wes). 

Keep up the good work and thanks!  


Tyrone K

Thanks so much. I am getting very very comfortable being “in the chair”.  I have 2 more applicatons coming in today. This is truly a blessing to me because I want to not only be financially free but to get away from the corporate wear and tear. I thank God for coming into contact with you and the pajama man school and have a very exciting 2010 in store. Thanks so much.


Tom M

It was a pleasure getting started today.  The conference call was great–you made many good points and strategies – I have much to learn.  I appreciated your points about “closing the back door” and “We address the individual needs”. I will be studying into the night and will be on the call in the morning. 
Great stuff!!  

This stuff gets better and better.  You  offer a fantastic product / service-amazing!

Another fantastic tribute to the value you offer, Andy.  I don’t know if you heard me when I explained to Joan that I believe your school to be worth so much more than the $5,000 tuition.  Your heart and motivation as teacher / mentor shines clearly every meeting–and that is something money can’t buy. 


What They Say:

Your heart and motivation as teacher / mentor shines clearly every meeting--and that is something money can't buy. 

— Tom M

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